When bee dance inspires robot design
The Deccan Herald,
Honeybees are incredible in many ways. Swooshing at over twenty kilometres per hour, they fly a whopping 90,000 kilometres—a…
Honeybees are incredible in many ways. Swooshing at over twenty kilometres per hour, they fly a whopping 90,000 kilometres—a…
Bengaluru: Researchers from Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and University of Maryland have shown that robots can use visual…
BENGALURU: Researchers from the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and University of Maryland have shown that robots can use…
2022. július 19. 13:13, kedd A gépeknek a tudósok tanították meg a méhektől átvett módszert földrajzi információk átadására.
Where are those flowers and how far away are they? This is the crux of the 'waggle dance' performed by honeybees to alert…
Poznata je činjenica da medonosne pčele međusobno komuniciraju korištenjem sofisticiranog "plesa", kojim su jedna drugoj u…
New material for flexible artificial muscles Scientists have developed a new material and manufacturing process to create…
Экспэрымент правялі ва ўніверсітэце Мэрыленда і Індыйскім інстытуце навукі. Даследнікі з універсітэта Мэрыленда і Індыйскага інст…
Abelhas têm um tipo de comunicação peculiar. Para avisar as companheiras de colmeia sobre a localização das flores com mais nécta…
The “waggle dance” is performed by honeybees to alert one another to the location of nectar-rich flowers.
Where are those flowers and how far away are they? This is the crux of the “waggle dance” performed by honeybees to alert…
Where are those flowers and how far away are they? This is the crux of the 'waggle dance' performed by honeybees to alert…
We've heard about robots that communicate with one another via wireless networks, in order to collaborate on tasks.
, 15:16 Ученые вдохновились «танцем пчел», и научили роботов общаться жестами. И друг с другом и с человеком.
10:30 AM EDT (Photo : ARNE DEDERT/DPA/AFP via ) Honeybees take non-verbal communication to an entirely new level as they do the…
Пчелы на языке «танца» умеют «рассказывать» друг другу, где растут цветы. Роботы теперь тоже так умеют Исследователи из университ…
Den eigenen Namen tanzen ist für Roboter wohl weniger sinnvoll. Über Bewegungsmuster können sie jedoch beim kollaborativen…
(Nanowerk News) Where are those flowers and how far away are they? This is the crux of the 'waggle dance' performed by…
Where are those flowers and how far away are they? This is the crux of the “waggle dance” performed by honeybees to alert…
Where are those flowers and how far away are they? This is the crux of the “waggle dance” performed by honeybees to alert…
Where are those flowers and how far away are they? This is the crux of the 'waggle dance' performed by honeybees to alert…
Where are those flowers and how far away are they? This is the crux of the ‘waggle dance’ performed by honeybees to alert…
Where are those flowers and how far away are they? This is the crux of the ‘waggle dance’ performed by honeybees to alert…
Where are those flowers and how far away are they? This is the crux of the ‘waggle dance’ performed by honeybees to alert…
Where are those flowers and how far away are they? This is the crux of the “waggle dance” performed by honeybees to alert…
Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Where are those flowers and how far away are they? This is the crux of the "waggle dance…