Equipe de cientista brasileiro descobre risco importante sobre auroras
Olhar Digital,
Uma equipe de cientistas liderada pelo brasileiro Denny Oliveira, que trabalha no Centro Goddard de Voos Espaciais da NASA…
Uma equipe de cientistas liderada pelo brasileiro Denny Oliveira, que trabalha no Centro Goddard de Voos Espaciais da NASA…
A Finlândia é um destino desejado por aqueles que têm o sonho de ver uma aurora boreal.
Šios tarpplanetinės smūginės bangos, pasiekusios Žemę, gali suspausti magnetosferą ir sukelti įvairių žalingų reiškinių.
Il rischio che una tempesta solare possa distruggere le reti elettriche e i cavi sottomarini – e potenzialmente minacciare la…
O risco de uma tempestade solar destruir redes elétricas e cabos submarinos — e, potencialmente, até fazer cair a civilização …
Research into auroras and geomagnetically induced currents reveals that the angle of interplanetary shocks against Earth’s…
The risk of a solar storm destroying power networks and submarine cables – and potentially even bringing down civilization …
Spectacular auroras caused by “head-on” blow to Earth’s magnetic field could damage critical infrastructure, warns new research.
Frontal auf das Erdmagnetfeld treffende interplanetare Stöße erzeugen die spektakulärsten Polarlichter.
Polarlichter können durch zwei Ereignisse ausgelöst werden. Eines davon kann laut einem Forschungsteam die Stromnetze der Erde…
Auroras have inspired awe for millennia, but with modern reliance on electricity, we are only now understanding their full…
НАСА: лобовые удары солнечного ветра с Землей опасны для инфраструктуры Ученые Центра космических полетов имени Годдарда НАСА обн…
Ces somptueuses aurores vertes, rouges, violettes et bleues ne sont pas uniquement un spectacle esthétique.
11 июля, 05:00 Поделиться: Способность прогнозировать углы толчков за два часа до удара может позволить принять защитные меры для…
11 липня, 05:00 Поділитися: Здатність прогнозувати кути поштовхів за дві години до удару може дати змогу вжити захисних заходів д…
Watching the Northern Lights might feel like an electrifying experience, but they can quite literally lead to shocks on Earth.
The Northern Lights is known for its stunning, colourful sky displays, but new research suggests that these beautiful auroras…
The Northern Lights is known for its stunning, colourful sky displays, but new research suggests that these beautiful auroras…
Auroras are caused by the same forces that produce ground-level electric currents, meaning they could be bad news for important…
The northern lights above Manstone Rock on the Stiperstones in Shropshire, March 10, 2024.
The same space weather that sparks spectacular auroras across the night skies can also damage infrastructure due to the flow of…
The same space weather that sparks spectacular auroras across the night skies can also damage infrastructure due to the flow of…
The same space weather that sparks spectacular auroras across the night skies can also damage infrastructure due to the flow of…
The same space weather that sparks spectacular auroras across the night skies can also damage infrastructure due to the flow of…
The same space weather that sparks spectacular auroras across the night skies can also damage infrastructure due to the flow of…
The same space weather that sparks spectacular auroras across the night skies can also damage infrastructure due to the flow of…
The same space weather that sparks spectacular auroras across the night skies can also damage infrastructure due to the flow of…
The same space weather that sparks spectacular auroras across the night skies can also damage infrastructure due to the flow of…
The same space weather that sparks spectacular auroras across the night skies can also damage infrastructure due to the flow of…
The same space weather that sparks spectacular auroras across the night skies can also damage infrastructure due to the flow of…
The same space weather that sparks spectacular auroras across the night skies can also damage infrastructure due to the flow of…
The same space weather that sparks spectacular auroras across the night skies can also damage infrastructure due to the flow of…
The same space weather that sparks spectacular auroras across the night skies can also damage infrastructure due to the flow of…
The same space weather that sparks spectacular auroras across the night skies can also damage infrastructure due to the flow of…
The same space weather that sparks spectacular auroras across the night skies can also damage infrastructure due to the flow of…
The same space weather that sparks spectacular auroras across the night skies can also damage infrastructure due to the flow of…
The same space weather that sparks spectacular auroras across the night skies can also damage infrastructure due to the flow of…
The same space weather that sparks spectacular auroras across the night skies can also damage infrastructure due to the flow of…
northern lights. Stock image of the northern lights. The same space weather that can trigger auroras may damage the electrical…
The same space weather that sparks spectacular auroras across the night skies can also damage infrastructure due to the flow of…
The same space weather that sparks spectacular auroras across the night skies can also damage infrastructure due to the flow of…
The same space weather that sparks spectacular auroras across the night skies can also damage infrastructure due to the flow of…
The same space weather that sparks spectacular auroras across the night skies can also damage infrastructure due to the flow of…
The same space weather that sparks spectacular auroras across the night skies can also damage infrastructure due to the flow of…
The northern lights above Manstone Rock on the Stiperstones in Shropshire, March 10, 2024.
Giant shock waves emanating from the Sun can give us some breathtaking auroras here on Earth.
The forces which create auroras can also lead to the formation of currents that can damage infrastructure through which…
Las auroras han inspirado mitos y presagios durante milenios, pero solo ahora, con la tecnología moderna que depende de la…
"Auroras and geomagnetically induced currents are caused by similar space weather drivers," explained Dr.
MADRID, 10 Jul. (EUROPA PRESS) - Las mismas fuerzas que causan las auroras también causan corrientes que pueden dañar la…
MADRID, 10 Jul. (EUROPA PRESS) - Las mismas fuerzas que causan las auroras también causan corrientes que pueden dañar la…
“Choques planetários” que atingem diretamente o campo magnético da Terra são o que os cientistas precisam prever para proteger…
New research shows that the angle at which these solar shocks hit Earth is crucial to protect infrastructure.
Catching a glimpse of auroras – as many of us had the chance to do back in May when the most severe geomagnetic storm in two…
Auroras have inspired myths and portents for millennia — but only now, with modern technology dependent on electricity, are we…
Scientists find that interplanetary shocks which strike Earth’s magnetic field head-on cause more powerful ground-level…
Auroras have inspired myths and portents for millennia — but only now, with modern technology dependent on electricity, are we…
Las auroras boreales, rodeadas de misticismo y encanto, encuentran un poder oculto que podría dañar la infraestructura que…
am EDT "Interplanetary shocks" that hit Earth's magnetic field head-on are what scientists need to forecast to protect any…
Auroras have inspired myths and portents for millennia—but only now, with modern technology dependent on electricity, are we…