Tourism desperately wants a return to the 'old normal' but that would be a disaster
The Conversation,
With each passing day, the grave future of Earth becomes more stark. The disruption of COVID-19 has not been enough to shift…
With each passing day, the grave future of Earth becomes more stark. The disruption of COVID-19 has not been enough to shift…
With each passing day, the grave future of Earth becomes more stark. The disruption of COVID-19 has not been enough to shift…
La bomba dellambiente non ancora scoppiata per il conto alla rovescia ci lascia meno tempo del previsto.
La bomba dellambiente non ancora scoppiata per il conto alla rovescia ci lascia meno tempo del previsto.
By In the U.S., a philosophy called “ neoliberalism ” began to dominate economic and political thinking when Ronald Reagan…
La pérdida de biodiversidad y el cambio climático acelerado en las próximas décadas, junto con la ignorancia y la inacción políti…
NAKON desetljeća neaktivnosti i neučinkovitih pokušaja da se uspore klimatske promjene, zagađenje i ubrzano smanjivanje…
Graham Peebles Only the most deluded denier can now question that the global climate is dramatically changing, and that the…
Chiunque abbia a cuore il futuro della Terra e delle prossime generazioni non può che essere preoccupato per il declino della…
„Die Presse“ hat dem Klima-Verharmloser Lomborg schon wieder ein Forum gegeben.
Die Zerstörung der natürlichen Lebensgrundlagen der Menschheit ist laut Wissenschaftlern weiter vorangeschritten, als es den…
By Neoliberalism is an economic and political philosophy that has dominated the U.S.
And why we need a regenerative approach I was speaking with a client this week who was hugely excited about the role technology…
We konden er rond de jaarwisseling niet omheen: voorspellingen over een nieuwe, op handen zijnde roaring twenties nadat we…
Paulo Cunha / Lusa A tripla ameaça das alterações climáticas, declínio da biodiversidade e superpopulação está a abater-se…
Last week, Minnesota’s Pollution and Control Agency and the Department of Commerce revealed that Minnesota yet again missed…
El planeta Tierra se encamina hacia un futuro protagonizado por las extinciones masivas y con variaciones en el clima…
This story was originally published by The Guardian and appears here as part of the Climate Desk collaboration.
© LightRocket via / SOPA Images / Simon Shin A protestor wearing a face mask displays a placard reading 'Save The Earth' during…
«L'umanità sta attuando uno schema Ponzi ecologico in cui la società deruba la natura e le generazioni future per pagare oggi…
無論是越來越頻繁出現的乾旱、或是超強氣旋引發前所未有的洪災,不可否認的是,全球氣候變化越來越劇烈且極端。由澳洲福林德斯大學(Flinders University)教授布拉德肖(Corey Bradshaw)引領的跨國科學團隊,13日在《維護環境與生態前瞻…
Jessica Corbett, staff writer In an example to the rest of the scientific community and an effort to wake up people …
In a recently published perspective piece, 17 leading scientists say the world is facing a “ghastly future” due to ongoing…
Det er i en forskningsartikkel publisert i Frontiers in Conservation Science 17 forskere fra blant annet Stanford universitetet…
Det er i en forskningsartikkel publisert i Frontiers in Conservation Science 17 forskere fra blant annet Stanford universitetet…
Ученые уже много лет предубеждают общественность о страшных последствиях изменения климата, но как оказалось, все может быть намн…
17 scientifiques de haut niveau ont publié un rapport dont la conclusion est plutôt effrayante.
Zespół 17 naukowców przeprowadził ocenę około 150 badań opisujących zmiany klimatyczne i środowiskowe, w celu określenia powagi…
La pérdida de biodiversidad y el cambio climático, junto con la inacción del ser humano, "amenazan la supervivencia de todas…
The emergency is not invisible. But that doesn't mean we can see it. After decades of inaction and ineffective action on…
(CNN) — The world is on track for a "ghastly future," an international group of scientists has warned, with accelerating…
Asiantuntijoiden mukaan odotettavissa olevat ympäristökatastrofit uhkaavat koko planeettamme elämänmuotoja, myös ihmislajia.
3 hours ago Watch: Prehistoric data shows climate change could cause 20m sea level rise.
Sobering new report says world is failing to grasp the extent of threats posed by biodiversity loss and the climate crisis By…
Es el récord que nadie quería comunicar, pero que inevitablemente sabíamos iba a llegar.
LONDON, Jan 13 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Accelerating biodiversity loss, climate change and over-consumption are swiftly…
Scientists have warned once again about the devastating impact global warming could have on our planet.
San Diego,CA.,October 26, 2007--Northern California fire crews set fire backburn to stop the Poomacha fire from advancing…
(CNS): Humanity is running an ecological Ponzi scheme in which society robs nature and future generations to pay for boosting…
The world is on track for a "ghastly future," an international group of scientists has warned, with accelerating climate change…
Although the researchers laid out a stark reminder, Professor Paul Ehrlich of Stanford University says that "no political or…
Frank Furedi is an author and social commentator. He is an emeritus professor of sociology at the University of Kent in…
The world is on track for a “ghastly future,” an international group of scientists has warned, with accelerating climate change…
The world is on track for a "ghastly future," an international group of scientists has warned, with accelerating climate change…
Global team of scientists, including UCLA’s Daniel Blumstein, points to environmental, population and political challenges…
Global team of scientists, including UCLA’s Daniel Blumstein, points to environmental, population and political challenges.
The global population could reach 10 billion by 2050; explosive population growth is contributing to a broad array of other…
The world is on track for a “ghastly future,” an international group of scientists has warned, with accelerating climate change… As part of a bleak …
By Amy Woodyatt, CNN CNN — The world is on track for a "ghastly future," an international group of scientists has warned, with…
(CNN)The world is on track for a "ghastly future," an international group of scientists has warned, with accelerating climate…
As part of a bleak "prognosis," a team of 17 leading scientists on Wednesday cautioned that the future of the planet is "more…
(CNN) — The world is on track for a "ghastly future," an international group of scientists has warned, with accelerating…
© CC0 / StockSnap Un rapport sur la dégradation environnementale, qui vient de paraître dans Frontiers in Conservation Science…
Doomsday Report A prominent team of scientists has a dire warning for the planet and everyone on it: Unless humanity takes…
World leaders “need a cold shower regarding the state of our environment, both to plan and act to avoid a ghastly future”…
Credits: congerdesign da Pixabay La rapida perdita di biodiversità erode la capacità della Terra di supportare la vita (Rinnovabi…
An international group of 17 leading scientists have produced a comprehensive yet concise assessment of the state of…
A loss of biodiversity and accelerating climate change in the coming decades coupled with ignorance and inaction is threatening…
A loss of biodiversity and accelerating climate change in the coming decades coupled with ignorance and inaction is threatening…
The planet is facing a “ghastly future of mass extinction, declining health and climate-disruption upheavals” that threaten…
Mismatched priorities of governments worldwide and the “widespread ignorance” of the general public have failed to address the…
The world faces a ghastly future, threatening the survival of all species, unless urgent and decisive action is taken to slow…
The state of the planet is much worse than most people understand and that humans face a grim and “ghastly future” unless…
credit: An international group of 17 leading scientists have produced a comprehensive yet concise assessment of the state of…
– By Corey J. A. Bradshaw, Matthew Flinders Professor of Global Ecology and Models Theme Leader for the ARC Centre of…
Without immediate and drastic intervention, humans face a “ghastly future” — including declining health, climate devastation…
The world faces a ghastly future, threatening the survival of all species, unless urgent and decisive action is taken to slow…
AAP The world faces a ghastly future, threatening the survival of all species, unless urgent and decisive action is taken to…
The world faces a ghastly future, threatening the survival of all species, unless urgent and decisive action is taken to slow…
The world faces a ghastly future, threatening the survival of all species, unless urgent and decisive action is taken to slow…
The world faces a ghastly future, threatening the survival of all species, unless urgent and decisive action is taken to slow…
The world faces a ghastly future, threatening the survival of all species, unless urgent and decisive action is taken to slow…
The world faces a ghastly future, threatening the survival of all species, unless urgent and decisive action is taken to slow…
The world faces a ghastly future, threatening the survival of all species, unless urgent and decisive action is taken to slow…
The world faces a ghastly future, threatening the survival of all species, unless urgent and decisive action is taken to slow…
The world faces a ghastly future, threatening the survival of all species, unless urgent and decisive action is taken to slow…
The world faces a ghastly future, threatening the survival of all species, unless urgent and decisive action is taken to slow…
The world faces a ghastly future, threatening the survival of all species, unless urgent and decisive action is taken to slow…
The world faces a ghastly future, threatening the survival of all species, unless urgent and decisive action is taken to slow…
The world faces a ghastly future, threatening the survival of all species, unless urgent and decisive action is taken to slow…
The world faces a ghastly future, threatening the survival of all species, unless urgent and decisive action is taken to slow…
The world faces a ghastly future, threatening the survival of all species, unless urgent and decisive action is taken to slow…
The world faces a ghastly future, threatening the survival of all species, unless urgent and decisive action is taken to slow…
The world faces a ghastly future, threatening the survival of all species, unless urgent and decisive action is taken to slow…
The world faces a ghastly future, threatening the survival of all species, unless urgent and decisive action is taken to slow…
The world faces a ghastly future, threatening the survival of all species, unless urgent and decisive action is taken to slow…
The world faces a ghastly future, threatening the survival of all species, unless urgent and decisive action is taken to slow…
The world faces a ghastly future, threatening the survival of all species, unless urgent and decisive action is taken to slow…
The world faces a ghastly future, threatening the survival of all species, unless urgent and decisive action is taken to slow…